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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

The mean streets of South Ken

Readers – wish me luck – for tonight I am off to the Valentine’s night at Boujis. This is not just a pretentious London club – this is a valentines night in a pretentious London club. [I have always wanted a sex shop to come out with the slogan – ‘This is not just a porn house – this is an S&M porn house’ – or something else hilarious and to that effect.]

It is of course free for women all evening – naturally. One does not go to these sorts of clubs to pay for ones own drinks. Pang tastes so much better when it's free darling.
However, one does have to put up with the men. Highly bred, and low mannered that they are. One does also have to put up with their almost constant attempts to try and sleep with you. Funny as ineptitude is, there did come a point a few weeks ago when one particular young man tried to chat me up twice in one hour – using the same line. It became less amusing at this point, and I seriously considered becoming a lesbian for a good half an hour.

You never know – with Prince Harry newly single…. I might even get the opportunity to get ineptly chatted up by a member of the royal family. Perhaps I should be mildly racists quite loudly just in case it gets me noticed?

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