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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Thursday 5 February 2009

We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt.

I feel I cannot but write something about the snow over the past few days. If the journalists of every major national newspaper can think that it is worth a few lines, then who am I to say any different. Well – I do secretly think that –
‘Shock – Britain has weather’
is not really news as such. However, spending your day trying to persuade journalists to write about what you want them to write about you do learn a thing or two about what they believe the British public will want to read about. Which is often -sadly - what the British public really will want to read about.

I am sort of at a loss for anything original to say – aren’t we all. Yes – it took me a long time to get to work, yes I was bitter that two of my housemates stayed at home and played in the snow, and yes it did start to look horrible about half an hour after it had landed, and living just of Mile End I think I saw the worst of what it could look like!!

Perhaps all I can think to write about is the fact that there is no news. Only ‘olds’ as Mr Pratchett would have it. It is no shock that the trains didn’t work. People were always going to build little men/ women out of it with often hilarious resemblances to either celebs or genitalia. Yes – it is very cold. Gosh – was it really not this cold for a few years? And someone slightly famous was always going to do something slightly silly – so hats off to David Cameron for getting in there so quickly with his ‘man of the people’ snowball fight.

I would go and die of dyspepsia, but it would be so cliché the very thought fills me with despair. It is said that to appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, one must stand in the cold. To this is say - bugger that for a lark, and remain inside with my paper and my cynicism.

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