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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Friday 6 February 2009

Good golly miss molly

I am sure that you have seen all the news/ heard all the news/ witnessed the news as it marches past your offices in disgust of the news – of Carol Thatcher and Gollywog-gate.

What I really really want all this to be about, is an ingenious marketing gimmick from Robinsons, to bring back their ‘Golden Shred’ marmalade. Think about how many pictures of it you have seen recently…
Persuasive as an idea I think.

When I was younger I took great joy in collecting all the little tokens from the side of their jam pots, and have a number of little gollywog badges that I treasured, and still have somewhere in a box of ‘stuff’ that was valued when young. Perhaps this is what Robinsons are again trying to achieve. Whatever the connotations behind the image – it is iconic. Think Che Guevara on a T-shirt. Worn by almost every student ever, and often by those with no real concept of why or what he did with his life in any great detail. The same goes for all those who have Chairman Mao stamped paraphernalia. This man killed many millions of his own people – but hell, he looks great on a lunch-box.

Rant and rail against it if you will, but the image of a gollywog is now iconic, and should Robinsons have wanted to remind people of their brand one of the best ways to ensure maximum coverage could well have been to create news around an iconic image widely associated with their products.
Risky – but still a great idea guys.

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