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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Friday 31 October 2008

So far I have tried to avoid turning this blog into a comment on current affairs, as the annoying thing about that is that you both have to have a valid comment on the whole thing, and keep the affairs about which you are writing – well current.

I have however been moved enough to write my tup’pence worth on a particularly juicy scandal that has rocked our tabloid media – and even some of the broadsheets, for shame – over the past day or so. I speak of course about the infamous Brand/Ross prank phone calls.

It appears that the entire English nation has had its sense of humour forcibly removed about the whole situation. Like all good workers I spent my lunchtime on youtube listening to whole shbackle. Personally I thought that it was actually quite entertaining. Even more so when you realize that you are listening to them wittily punning their way into a career black hole.

It is the picture of them in the press that really make me laugh, with them looking like puppies sitting next to a big pile of poo. It is like two little boys who took a joke too far at school, and it turns out that the little girl’s hair that they pulled – has cried to her mum, who has then gone and spoken very severely to the headmaster about it. It turns out that the headmaster is one of these new fangled ones that tries to do things like cancel Christmas as it might be offensive.

So Brand has quit – no great surprise - and they are idiots to let him go, and Ross is suspended without pay. When all they should have done is hit them hard on the nose with a roll of newspaper, and said ‘NO’ in a loud and firm voice.

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