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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Waiting for the theatre

As I don’t really like eating much in the evenings, I am technically what you would call a ‘cheap date.’ Therefore I feel people should take me to go and do expensive things that do not require food. For example:

Diamond mine shopping
Mink farm purchasing
Couture dress procuring

Etc etc – you get the picture. Just think ‘Santa Baby’ lyrics.

I would however, “make do” with an occasional trip to the theatre, the opera or the ballet. It appears, however, that a distressing number of my acquaintances seem to be going with their ‘family’ and ‘friends’; Snubbing me and my perfect theatre etiquette for some plebs that they may be related to.

The injustice of it all.

It has culminated in a friend going to see Waiting for Godot – yes the one with a least two knights of the realm and actors that are legends in their own time – without me. A play that is made by the actors more than almost any other piece of theatre – acted by Charles Xavier and Magneto, and I am not invited – sniff sniff.

There is nothing to be done – I shall have to watch tv to keep this terrible silence at bay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The maid doth complain too much methinks. You are going to see a Dame of the Realm strut and fret her time away on Thursday at the Wyndhams. Are you not?