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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

A little bit of Bass

Today we are feeling very sorry for oneself. Having weighed up the possibility of going home and not doing all of the much work that needed to be done against dry wretching in the work toilets for the next 3 hours – I decided that coughing up bile would win every time.

But I have found something that made it all go away. Rainbows appear in the sky and a choir of kittens sign halleluiah in perfect 9 part harmony. Chuck Bass will be in London tomorrow.
Yes – I know that he is a fictional character.
No - I don’t know that actor’s real name.

But I just don’t care.

Such is his perfection that angels weep as he passes by. He is an utter bastard, emotionally repressed, has issues with his father, is utterly sublimely beautiful and has loads of money. Could there be a more perfect man?
All i have left to say is Chuck Bass... I'm Louise Nathanson.

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