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I'm a 22 year old PR girl living in London, and probably doing most of the things that that stereotype brings to mind.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Hell hath no fury…

5 reasons why never ever to say No to a woman.

1) Resentment will be harbored for far longer than we will be annoyed about not doing the actual activity. (It’s not that we didn’t xyz, but that you didn’t realize how important it was to me.)

2) We will subtly imply over the next week - at least - that the request, what-so-ever it may be, was up there in pure altruistic terms with the wiping out of third world debt and that the only person’s happiness of which we were not thinking was our own.

3) It will be interpreted as a ‘sign’ that you secretly despise us, and all females from the age of 14 up that we know, will think that you are a bastard and suddenly hate you for ‘treating her like that.’

4) Whatever else you may say ‘yes’ to for the next month will not be remembered/ not be what we really wanted. The only thing we ever truly wanted was what you said ‘no’ to.

5) Because anything that we haven’t already got by insinuation and manipulation is probably important enough for you to actually take some notice of.

And because I wanted it!